friday field notes

John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God."

I'm back. 
The same, but different. I have started daily journaling again. I'm painting (currently walls and cabinets). Baking. Getting curious about how to slow down again. Meditating on God, three in one. 

What has slowing down looks like this week?

- Driving slow enough to spot the bittersweet along the gravel roads. And then stopping to gather and bring some home with me.

- Baking banana bread. In an 8x8!!! Thank you Joanna Gaines with all my heart. I've always loved banana bread, but made muffins, because I never quite nailed the timing with the loaf pan. When I saw the photo of the bread in a 8x8... well I knew I liked her even more. 

- Painting cabinets I've wanted painted for almost 20 years. 

- Preparing for Journey To Christmas to begin next week with Advent. 

Even though I have learned they are three in one, I've always pictured God the Father at the top, and The Son and Holy Spirit, underneath... like a pyramid scheme, not equal. What has to shift for me to believe they are equal...

What's your week look like? What are you doing to slow down? Even when your schedule says it is impossible?


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