day 19

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6

I know. I used to approach this verse like John 3:16. Everyone knows and it is is just cliche. You can say it without thinking about it, but even if you catch some of the words--there is so much faith. If you recite, believe these verses, you are on your way to a life of great faith.

And then, over the last year, these two verses has been ones I cling to. 

  • Trust in the Lord, with all your heart. That is a tall order.
  • Lean not on your understanding. Even bigger. 
  • Acknowledge God in all ways. How often do I want the credit, or just struggle with how do I communicate that the good stuff is a reflection of God?
And he will make your paths straight.

Trust + leaning + acknowledging=paths straight. 
Not minus the struggle, the trusting but still not sure what the next step is to look like. 
God will make the path straight, but straight can still be uphill. 

But straight. Straight, with out curves. With a full heart, because if you trust the Lord with all your heart, you will experience peace. The kind of peace that is beyond human understanding. And strength, because your foundation is set on someone far greater than you, who does not change. 

And acknowledging helps keep the pride at bay and helps us feel a tiny bit of how much God really loves us. Even in our imperfection. 


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