preparedness - one task at a time.
With school just around the corner (next week) along junior high volleyball... I can hardly believe junior high... and football starting tonight, teens later this week - the extra projects are being pushed up the priority list to make way for the busyness of the school year. So, no, I haven't been sewing and knitting much, however, I did get my deep freeze and freezer cleaned today. The sink full of jars thawing is proof of it. Since my photos of clean kitchen appliances would not look nearly as lovely as hers, the photos are some finished projects over the last month.
I typically feel that once school begins, I struggle even more with keeping my sanity and sense of calm. I think like every mom, the day is packed! Even if I may have finished home school for the day, I still have spelling/homework from the other two and supper to fit in, add in whatever event is going on that afternoon/evening that either I'm dropping off/picking up for/or a part of myself, then add in my share of the work with the business and our own bill paying/laundry washing/sorting and cleaning... and I'm definitely out of hours. My life feels like that sentence, one really long run-on...
This summer one of the things I have been working on is guiding the kids into more independence. They already have been putting laundry away, help here and there with cleaning and dishes, but more trash taking out, cleaning, helping with meals kind-of-thing has happened this summer. It it is good for everyone, no matter how much they don't like it, and I know that eventually it really will save me time.
Along the lines of time, a couple of the books I have been reading through are "Fix, Freeze, Feast
" (thanks Aubin for recommending the book) and "can i freeze it?
". I don't think I could nor would I like all our meals to be fixed ahead of time and frozen, I think a lot of meals I make could be prepared in bulk, I just need to be organized - hence the cleaning the freezers today, and hoping a list tomorrow of meals and ingredients...
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